Sunday Cool has VBS t-shirt templates that can be customized for your group! Order with excellent customer service, and receive your VBS t-shirts in 72 hours.
Fully Customizable Templates
If only the rest of your life was this easy
Choose any Christian t-shirt design template and customize it anyway you want. Change text, color, design assets*, or anything you want to make it yours. It's going to be something you'll be wearing all day and all night, right? If you can't find what you are looking for? Click HERE and we will build a New Template just for your group!
View other customizable templates here
Baptism | Disciple Now | Elements of Faith | Fall | I Love My Church | Missions | Summer | VBS | Verses | Volunteer | Winter
Choose the Easter themed design that best suits your theme and customize it specifically for your group.
Template #ES 2116
Shown on Heather Sky and Heather Grape
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Template #ES 2115
Shown on Heather Sky and Heather Mint Julep
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2114
Shown on Heather Melon and Heather Military
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2113
Shown on Heather Mint Julep and Heather Grape
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2112
Shown on Heather Honey and Heather Melon
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Ideal maximum print size is 9”w for adult prints
Template #ES 2111
Shown on Heather Denim and Heather Grape
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Template #ES 2110
Shown Heather Grape and Heather Denim
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2109
Shown on Heather Burgundy and Heather Military
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2108
Shown on Heather Burgundy and Heather Denim
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Template #ES 2107
Shown on Heather Grape and Heather Sky
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Template #ES 2106
Shown on Heather Red and Heather Denim
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2105
Shown on Heather Grape and Heather Mint Julep
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2104
Shown on Heather Mint Julep and Heather Sky
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Template #ES 2103
Shown on Heather Grape and Heather Melon
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.
Template #ES 2102
Shown on: Heather Charcoal and Heather Grape
Ideal for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullover crew sweatshirts
Pullover pocketed hoodies (Adult ): Maximum print size on pullover hoodies with front pockets is 10”h
Template #ES 2101
Shown on: Heather Honey and Heather Grape
Great for printing on short/long sleeved T-shirts and pullovers
Distress pattern is a random pattern and will show slightly different results per garment printed.