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510 East Alfred Street
United States

800 865-0726

Sunday Cool Tees is all about offering the softest water based screen printing on the softest t-shirts available. Whether you work with youth ministry or you are a children's pastor, we would love to create custom t-shirts for your group..

Water Reveal

Water reveal custom shirt baptism shirt design

water reveal custom tshirt wet reveal shirt design

Water Reveal Super-Soft Tee

A hidden message on your T-shirt. Just add water!


We’re stoked to launch our new Water Reveal Super-Soft Tees! It’s the same super-soft shirts you love with new invisible ink. We’ll print part of your design with this new ink so that it’s hidden when the shirt is dry but once wet, the message is revealed! Want to experience it yourself? See if you qualify for a free sample!


Reveal your message

These shirts are perfect for baptisms, as they enhance the joy we already see at every baptism service.

They’re also an excellent option for

  • camps

  • pool and lake parties

  • and much more!

We can’t wait for you to try our brand new Water Reveal Super-Soft Tees for your entire group.



You’re going to love these new Water Reveal tees!

Here are a few features we’re excited about:

  • Invisible Ink that reveals a new message when the shirt is wet

  • Printed on our Sunday Cool Classic Super-Soft Tee

  • For the best results, we recommend the following t-shirt colors:

    • Heather Charcoal

    • Heather Military

    • Heather Denim

    • Heather Grey

    • Heather Red

    • Heather Royal

    • Heather Burgundy

  • Minimum order of 36 pieces

Customizable Water Reveal Templates


Choose any of these templates made specifically for water reveal and customize it in anyway you want. Change text, color, or anything you want to make it yours.